We are down to two puppies now and they are the boys. They are so funny...they love to chase Benji around and watch him act all "macho". You can almost see them laughing when he turns on them and pretends to be grumpy. He still isn't sure about why these little guys follow him around and try to catch his tail. Bella just watches and grins....probably thinking"your turn!". LOL We are getting ready to head to the beach with all of our grandkids and their parents and our oldest son. We will have a full week of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Lots of beach combing and table talks and late nights. We are looking forward to our time together. Hopefully our puppies will all be sold by then and maybe we can take everyone out in the sailboat one day during the week. God is using these kiddos in a wonderful way, and He is letting us "know" it. Praise to you Lord.
This is the house we get to be in for a week....Can't wait!